Gen 1:26  And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Gen 1:27  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Gen 1:28  And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.   God’s plan and purpose for Israel is to ‘take back’ dominion and rulership over this sin cursed world which was “delivered” unto Satan...

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It is my understanding that the answer to this particular question, (and other ones that are like it) for the most part lies in the way in which God deals with His creation and interacts with it. So then before I directly respond to the question, bear with me for a bit while I briefly and simply say a few things about my basic understanding of how God interacts with creation. First of all we know that God, being God, is both omniscient and transcendent by nature. Therefore He knows everything by nature, and has infinite perception and awareness of all things, including having foreknowledge. Hence nothing takes Him by surprise, or is outside of, or is beyond, His realm of awareness, perception, and precognition. But now though this is true, God also makes it quite...

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In view of what Paul says in 1Timothy 3 regarding “the office of a bishop” it is clear that the word “bishop” is the word that describes the “office” of the man who is entrusted with ‘taking care of the church of God’. And since he is in the “office of a bishop” it is perfectly fitting and/or appropriate for him to be called “bishop,” just as Paul does in Philippians 1 when he refers to “the bishops and deacons” of the various churches in Philippi. Howbeit this does not exclude the issue of him just as fittingly or appropriately being called by another term or designation that likewise is used to describe his “office.” Nor does it make it wrong to call the one in “the office of a bishop” by another term or designation that is also appropriate to his “office”...

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They are still saved, even though they have been “bewitched” away from the truth of the gospel and have been beguiled into accepting “another gospel.” And they are still saved because as God has Paul teach us in Romans 5, when a person believes in the Lord Jesus Christ as his all-sufficient Savior as per “the gospel of Christ” and God thereby justifies him in His sight, and saves him from the debt and penalty of his sins, and reconciles him unto Himself, then that person’s justification, salvation, and reconciliation are permanent possessions. (In fact the truth of the matter is that if our justification, salvation, and reconciliation with God are not permanent by nature, then none of us could ever remain justified in God’s...

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Since the Lord through His own death, burial, and resurrection from the dead successfully fulfilled the first mandate of the Davidic Covenant, (which mandate involved Him functioning as Israel’s Redeemer to provide redemption, including the issue of ‘ransoming them from the power of death and of the grave’), this made it so that the legal requirement no longer existed which had formerly consigned dead saints to be placed in the holding compartment of hell in the lower parts of the earth to await the outcome of God’s promised redemption. Once the first mandate of the Davidic Covenant had been fulfilled that former legal requirement of remanding saints to the lower parts of the earth became null and void as part of the spoils of Christ’s victory over sin, over...

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Biblical Timeline: Lords Day of Wrath

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Biblical Timeline: 5 Courses of Punishment

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